Mental Health Support
Our School Mental Health Team will be available throughout remote learning to support our students and your families' well-being. We can provide helpful resources, mental and emotional support, as well as connect you to other community providers. Please reach out on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and we will be available to speak with you. Thank you.
Contact: Jennie Streit at 720-613-6980 or via email: [email protected]
As children enter preschool some of their primary goals are to learn how to navigate the classroom, get along with others, and manage their own behavior. In APS we are using Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBiS) to support our students in meeting these goals.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports means using positive language to help kids learn how to be successful at school and at home. PBiS involves:
- Clearly stating what we expect children to do.
- Teaching and modeling these expectations throughout the day in all settings.
- Supervising students to support them in meeting our expectations.
- Recognizing when our children meet (or try to meet) these expectations.
Using PBiS in preschool helps children learn what to do at school, spend more time engaged in pro-social and academic activities, improve social and academic skills, and provide safe schools for all children.
When teachers notice students following school expectations, being kind to others, and keeping our school safe, they recognize them by telling them specifically what they have done well. For example,
- "You came down the slide feet first."
- "You waited quietly until I was done talking with Jorge."
- "You hung up your backpack by yourself."
The students are then given a stamp on the hand and put a puff ball in a group goal jar. When the jar is full, the class celebrates their positive behavior together with a special activity such as pajama day, having a picnic, special games or projects, etc. You can take a look at our celebration bulletin board to find out what fun activities our students have earned.
PBiS at Home
Parents can implement their own version of PBiS at home as well. We have presented these strategies at parent coffees and have developed a home version of our classroom expectations for you to use as well. If you need ideas or support in creating your own system at home, please contact us and we’ll be glad to help you. (303) 363-0484.